This world can be a better place.
More equitable. More fair. More true.
Our demons and fears, foibles and distractions can be, in fact, neutered. We can wake in the morning and not be hostage to who or what we went to bed with. Whether that is a memory dark or a person cruel. But the freedom will not come without a price. The opportunity will not be provided silver spoon or golden ticket style. Remember, even Charlie had to find the path to his ticket. Paved with faith and hope and luck. But of what of our path? Is luck enough. Probably not. We will have to say no, often. We will have to yes even more. We will have to go through the pained process of figuring out when to say which. And we will get it wrong. Dreadfully, horribly wrong. But we have to at least be willing to try. Again and again. When it is easy and when it is not. That is true of our own personal orb and this bigger one we all share. Too many want to do none of the work. They will stand no moment of discomfort. No fact out of place from their carefully constructed narrative. Not even an errant leaf on the manicured lawn. Is it any wonder they ban books, ideas, and even humanity when they can. The irony is they claim to also want a better world. But how can that ever be so? Perhaps for them better means easy. And do we not know where that leads, in a world that has known faith, and power, and wealth in their easy forms. That approach is not for me. I will take the adventure and the challenge. The in vain I love you’s. The mistaken investments which will show not on any ledger. For I know that just showing up is task one. Just risking yourself is task two. And nothing else of worth can ever happen without passing chance at least once and risking losing it all. Least of all making this world just a little bit better for all.